


Thursday, August 29, 2013

Scone Confessions

So I bake scones for therapy? What you gonna do about it? 

The answer is, come over and help me eat them.

Seriously. I am on such a scone kick over here that my family is threatening to take away my pastry blender... or they would, if they thought of it. Because I refuse to make scones with anything except an old fashioned pastry blender, without it...I'd be lost.
raspberry almond scones, scones, raspberry
Raspberry Almond
Not that they don't like my scones or are sick of eating them - no the real problem is that they like them TOO much! See, they are worried about their waist-lines...and so they should be. It isn't exactly the most health-conscious pass-time to pursue I guess.

But lately, it's my stress-reliever, my fallback, my happy place.
blueberry lemon scones, blueberry, lemon, scones
Blueberry Lemon

Just me and the pastry blender and the soft dough. And when that perfect, warm, flakey, yet fluffy pastry comes out of the oven... well its almost bliss. Almost.

It started with the blueberry lemon scones (those are still the favourite) and grew from there. Raspberry almond, strawberries and cream, banana maple pecan, and tonight it was chocolate hazelnut. I'm pretty much stoked for autumn and all the new flavours that it inspires (think: cinnamon, apple, pumpkin, CHAI, and vanilla)

Then I made mock devonshire cream. Best idea ever. I guess I'm secretly British at heart, or at least... in the taste buds.
Chocolate hazelnut scones, chocolate scones
Chocolate Hazelnut