


Friday, November 12, 2010

Humming Hymns

First of all...HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!!!

Secondly, I got 100% on my final...it was true/false...except not really...cuz they were all true so as long as you figured that out, well it was pretty simple. haha

I just had to remark on how much we sing hymns here. I mean, I think I have sung more hymns in the three months I have been here than in my whole life put together. I love it! We sing them to start off every class (well Pastor Don's classes and some other profs do it too) and we sing at least one every Sunday. There is just something neat about everyone opening up their own hymnal and singing together a song that Christians have been singing for hundreds of years. Especially in class, it produces these community effect, all of us raising our voices, no music, people harmonizing and sometimes making mistakes - it's beautiful really. I have learned so many new hymns and of course sang many popular ones that I have heard many times before. Hymns aren't really any different than any other worship song but their history just seems to travel with them and every time they are sung, with every person who sings one, another event is added to their story. I dunno, maybe this is all just crazy and I'm just sentimental but I have really enjoyed the hymn singing hear. Don't get me wrong, I love our more modern worship songs and prefer them most the time but I have found a new appreciation for old hymns that I never had before.


  1. Hey Analea---Maybe we could start a 'Hymn Sing' when you get back. Should be fun. I spent the last half hour catching up on your posts. Loved every minute. I thank God for your open heart and spirit that you are continuing to listen and learn thru the Holy Spirit. His Word is so full that we can never exhaust our understanding. We are thankful that the Holy Spirit is the one who enables us to understand anything about God because on our own wisdom, we are sorely confused. We are so looking forward to seeing you in SEVEN DAYS!!! Love you.

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