


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Roman Road

It's a difficult one, that's for sure! We are only two days in but it feels like we've been at it for a month. The professor and Don and so many others have been talking about how difficult Romans is but I like what Lish said, "I never thought it was a hard book until this week!" more specifically today's class. So many different topics and ideas and intricate details of doctrine have been spread before us, it's hard to figure out which goes where. It's like a giant buffet of bizarre foreign food is in front of you, but you are high on a balcony looking down. Most of it looks good, some of it looks questionable and some if it is not even recognizable as food. Then there is someone with you pointing out each thing, explaining what it is, how it is made, all the ingredients and where it originated. It's hard to figure out which dish your helper is even pointing to, never-mind remembering all the details pertaining to each. Then once you get down there and get in line, you are madly trying to remember but you mostly just recall the familiar stuff and so there is a little bit of hesitation and panic when it comes to trying something new.

So I dunno if that illustration made ANY sense whatsoever to any of you but this Roman Road is a trek through steep valleys, wide spread oceans, rapid rivers, imposing mountains and the occasional grassy meadow. There are some parts that I've heard before and I'm enjoying having certain doctrines clarified but then there are parts that I've never before seen in the text and I'm gasping for air as I try to keep up. Mostly in class I just type, type, type. It's only really after dinner, during our group study time that I start to comprehend.

I am thanking God for this difficult class though because it is bringing groups of us together in study of His word. We are learning to work together, to listen to one another, to help and give time to one another and really, that is worth every tedious note I have to take in class. What better way to spend the hours than sitting around with good friends discussing justification, sanctification, glorification, condemnation, God's righteousness, human depravity, etc. That's why I'm in Bible school right?


  1. Analea! You are so enthusiastic and inspiring!
    I was just kinning time when I found your blog this morning. I read a little on the home page then opened your Biscuits and Gravy also. Now I have a dial up connection so I closed it to read.
    I had to come back and comment...
    I'm on the other end of life from you. I didn't really get a connection with God until I was in my 30's. I kinda envy you but... Where I was enables me to openly talk to people who are not there. Don't know for sure but I feel that was what it was supposed to be.
    Keep it up darlin! I really need inspiration and with someone like you out here I can get it!
    Somehow I see a lot of great things in life for you... Thank you!
    Oh yah, about the "Y'all"... You should hear Pittsburgh with the "Yuins" : )

  2. I thought your illustration was perfect analea, gives me a glimps have how deep you guys are in down there. I agree that its pretty great you are able to study and discuss it all with your classmates. I'll be praying specifically this week for you all, that God will give you understanding and clarity where you need it.

  3. Wow! This is so exciting for me as your Mom to read all you are learning...it gives me glory bumps :) Remember that it's the Holy Spirit that teaches us so relax and let Him do His job...it will all come together, I am sure.
    Love you so much,
