


Wednesday, February 29, 2012

once every four years...

Happy Leap Year!
Ain’t February 29th just the greatest day EVA!?!? Yes, yes it is. It’s definitely on the “special days” list. You know the list, the one with all the interesting days of the year. Days like Friday the 13th and March 1st (if you don't know why March first is special...ask me sometime. Happy memories.) and December 12, 2012. They are just cool days!
Anywho, just wanted to take a quick little break in busy life to wish you all the happiest of leap days because you gotta enjoy 'em while they're here people! It's not like they come around every year!!!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Thursday Smiles (No. 2)

I did it!!! Bet you all are so proud of me...and probably surprised...but yes, I managed to actually do this twice in a row. I'm proud of myself. :)

So. Today is Groundhog Day and that is reason enough to smile, dontcha think? I mean, it's a rather ridiculous little practice: to observe the groundhog and hope it doesn't see it's shadow so that we can all look forward to winter being over. I mean really?? Firstly, I have to say, it makes no sense. I think if it SEES its shadow, spring should be coming because that would mean it has to be SUNNY...but that's just me and ALSO what if the groundhog just doesn't look in the right direction? Or what if something else causes a shadow that it sees? Too many flaws. Yet people show up to the festivals, people listen for the announcement on the radio, for goodness sake there are several rather famous groundhogs around North America who even have statues built after them. Soooo ya. People's odd fancies strike me as amusing.

In any case, I decided to celebrate Groundhog Day in my own way! How? might you ask... well I conducted my own little search for spring around my yard. I believe I can say without a doubt...spring is coming. ...of course it must be coming because it can't be going anywhere...

So here are some of the images from my little scavenger hunt.

And here's my adorable puppy who always makes me smile!

Other smiles from the week came in various forms. I saw this earlier this week, a little note on Instagram which read:

Roses are red
Violets are blue
When I think of you
My writing comes out corny

 Now THAT cracked me up. I'm easily amused apparently... So in honour of that holiday of love coming up soon, there is a little poem for you to share with those you care about :)

This little cooking adventure my mom and I had...pork chops and apples. It looked great going in but...we have to work on it a bit I think. The end result wasn't my favourite dish to consume.

And finally, going to the grocery store...in slippers!!! yes!!!! Nothing quite like it. I've decided I shall do it any other time I have need to whip over there for something quick. It's too great.

And this concludes my second "Thursday Smiles"!!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Sudden yet Sovereign

A melancholy heaviness has beset me. It's a sadness, not despairing, but troubled. It comes after the shocking news of Dr. Dave's sudden death. I mean, I didn't really know him well, and yet he had a deep impact on my life, helping to grow my faith in the short week that he taught at JHBC last year. I remember his characteristic laugh and his joy in the Lord, excited to share his knowledge and wisdom with students of all ages. It's just so weird to hear that he is gone, gone to be with our Saviour.

It just seems so random, so out of nowhere. It was just Monday I was hearing about his recent visit to the college to teach...and now he's gone. It's interesting that he taught about God's will and I know, obviously this is all in God's will and yet we, left behind here, just really can't understand it all. And so, I know God is in control and Dr. Dave is with Jesus, yet it's still confusing piecing together the grief of being left of behind, the moving on, the next step. I guess I could totally let it not effect me. I mean, it's likely I'd never see him again on this earth anyways and yet, we have a connection; we're family through Christ and so maybe that's why it affects me more than some newscast announcement. I think of his family and those close to him and I grieve for them and the changes they are facing. And yet I know that they have comfort in the knowledge of the truth, just as I do.

How blessed we are to leave the questions with God; to trust His sovereign control in all things.