


Monday, December 24, 2012

Flickers of Christmas

The flickering glow of the fireplace
dances around the room
and the wind whispers frosty carols 
flitting through bare, dark branches
furry slippers keep me warm
and safe
and so cozy

I wiggle my toes, close my eyes
and just let the Christmas air absorb, like the cold
into my bones
my nose
my smiling heart

Perfect blend of gingersnaps, broken pine needles
and vanilla 
the shock of fresh peeled orange
tickles my nose 
I sneeze into the softness of my creamy scarf
and I snuggle deeper into its caress
after tugging my woolly toque 
over my ears 

Amy, Michael and Kenny harmonize
saturating the air with nostalgic joy
the tea kettle whistles 
chocolate swirls and dissolves
rich and sweet
topped with melting whip
like the snow, so anticipated
I lift the curtain one time more
despite disappointment, smile

Mom's voice, soft like wax dripping
in smooth red trails down, down, down
flames testifying to Messiah's advent
glowing, one two three four

hope. peace. joy. love.

flickering together

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Guest posting!!! Whaaaaat??

I know... I haven't blogged in forever. As usual... I'm disappointed in myself. You have no idea all the potential posts that have flitted through my mind and all the attempts I have even started. Buuuuut, it just hasn't happened.


I am guest posting today over at Insight for Living's blog "LifeTrac"! I interned at Insight Canada and wrote a few posts for them, the first of which is up today. Head on over there and read it if you are interested; perhaps read a few more and explore their website.

Insight for Living Canada is an awesome ministry of Chuck Swindoll. The staff are an amazing group of people set on reaching people through the truth of God's Word. I encourage you to check them out. They have an American ministry as well for all my friends in the USA.