


Saturday, August 13, 2011

It's raining...stars

Okay so about last night (the meteor shower remember?), it was...AMAZING! Four of us went out, Cally and I sprawled in the middle of the field on a sleeping bag, warm and snuggly under a blanket while Kaitlyn and Jen just stood and watched because they weren't planning on staying long. Of course, this sight attracted more people and Josh and Kenton soon joined us. Everyone chatted away as we stared intently into the sky, awash in the rather beautiful glow of that (annoying but too amazing to really be angry about) full moon. Jen and I saw one little one which was nothing really to get too excited about (we of course did anyways!) and then she went to bed, followed shortly by Kailtyn. The rest of us stayed out, still talking, throwing jests around and laughing beaucoup. Finally, Josh got bored I guess and went in, ironically, not 2 minutes later the MOST AMAZING meteor I had EVER seen blazed through the North-western sky and Cally and I burst out into screams of awe/joy/excitement. Kenton, who was wandering over to the campfire saw it as well and expressed his amazement. Poor Josh :(

Cally and I ended up staying out there chatting for another hour and seeing a couple more really fantastic ones along with a spattering of less extraordinary shooting stars. One that we saw, the best one of the night blazed longer than any other and left behind a soft glow for a few seconds. Seriously, it was so cool seeing them all. I could not help but be reminded of the ever popular Psalm 19:
The heavens declare the glory of God, the skies proclaim the work of His hands
So, though my toes were frozen stiff by the time we got in and the brilliance of the moon hid the majority of what we COULD have seen and not everyone stayed out for the party, it was a truly remarkable night which I am so glad I made the effort to see. I do believe I shall head out tonight for a bit to see if I am blessed with a few more.