We were half way up the trail to Paintbrush Divide when Kenton made a statement that really hit me. He had just stopped for a brief rest and looked around saying, "Wow, sometimes you just gotta stop and look where you are!" This was in reference to the amazing view, the awesome surroundings in which we had found ourselves, hiking in the Teton backcountry.

As I too stopped and took in the amazing view, the Grand standing soberly in the distance, Lake Solitude resting in stillness and silence at the end of the canyon, the blue sky spotted with fluffy white clouds, I was struck by how often I go through life without looking up and around at where I am. How often do I just trudge along following the path in front of me. I follow after the boots in front of me, doing what others have done before. I maneuver around the obstacles in my path, trusting God for a way. I pace myself up the steep inclines, relying on God for strength and knowing He'll get me to the top. I pick my way carefully among the teetering rocks, looking to God for guidance with every step.

But though I am working my way through life, trusting God the whole way, I often forget to stop, and look around, to realize WHERE He has brought me and to praise Him for how He was led me here! Sometimes I focus so much on the little things and yes, God has proven unbelievably faithful in those things, leading me step by step along His path, that when I look up and look back at where I have come, I realize with new appreciation how MUCH His guidance has affected my life.
For instance, each day I spend here, working on this book, I am again and again coming to Him for guidance and wisdom because I feel so inadequate and incapable of doing this thing but I am also so thankful for the opportunity and how much I am learning. And then, on this backpack trip it hit me that not only has God been teaching me to trust Him while writing this book, but He is teaching me to trust Him with every aspect of my future because I have NO IDEA where He will lead me next. I look back on myself, a year from now and I see a timid girl, excited to start a new adventure at Bible school but insecure and thinking I had to plan out my whole life. Now, I find myself back in this amazing place, totally at home, able to encourage others, giving my life over completely to God's will and not trying to force my own plans. I find myself overwhelmed with God's blessings. Not only has He led me back here, given me a project which I am passionate about to work on for His glory, but He has blessed me with innumerable opportunities like this, my third backpack trip into the Tetons!

So when Kenton said, "you just gotta stop and look where you are", I did stop and it hit me: here I am, in the middle Grand Teton National Park, hiking with an amazing group of people, in Wyoming! This time last year, I thought I'd be sitting in a classroom listening to lectures about unimportant people, places, and times. God works in mysterious and mighty ways which we can never anticipate. So I encourage you, to not only focus on each and every day, but to take some time to look around at where God has you; to praise Him for what He has done in your life and for where He has led you; to realize that each day that you have been trusting Him has been leading you higher and further towards His ultimate goal and plan for your life.
"and the Lord will continually guide you , and satisfy your desire in scorched places, and give strength to your bones; and you will be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water whose waters do not fail" - Isaiah 58:11