


Sunday, October 30, 2011

From the backseat

I spent EIGHT FULL DAYS in the backseat of the Buick and such an experience is definitely not one to be tossed away and forgotten without at least a small blog post commemorating it. Indeed the long hours of repositioning for comfort, teasing the guys in the front, rocking out with Jess in the back, digging around for lost phones or iPods or treats or what have you, cannot be treated as some lousy old bag of potato chips, crumpled up and thrown in the waste basket, considered useless and undeserving of further contemplation. Truly, they were important hours of my life full of laughter, sleep, music, and, yes, learning how to have patience and deal with people in such close quarters for so long.

Interestingly, the poor fellows up front were forced to be entertained by my iPod of Jess's most of the time as theirs were too new for our radio transmitter ma-bob.They were very well cultured in pop/rock from Jessica and everything else from me. :) As some of you may know, I like pretty much EVERY genre of music and so over two hours, shuffling my 1400 songs gives you quite the mix! Everything from a cappella groups to Skillet to unique French styles to Michael Buble to Switchfoot to country to Lecrae to Jack Johnson and more! We took great joy in driving them a little bonkers with our enthusiasm and obnoxious singing. Also, they were introduced to my random skipping through songs which I'm sure they appreciated.

I was also in charge of the cooler and snacks within as it resided quite happily at my feet all this time (which greatly limited my sitting/sleep positions). We had made almost 200 Oreo truffles (ended up with about 40 left over), a couple dozen Scotcheroos, a bucket of gingersnaps, and a bag of double chocolate cookies. We also had apples, carrots, chips and drinks to consume along the way. Me thinks we made far too much food for ourselves because we were quite sick of it all by the end and didn't even finish it!

We had some very amusing moments in the car. We all traded easy-going jabs at each other and spent many hours laughing hysterically. One hilarious instance was when we played a prank on Josh. We were sitting at a gas station and Jess is like, "we should totally prank him when he comes back!" so we decided to throw crackers on his sit just before he sat down. Derrick was armed with the three Ritz crackers and as Josh went to sit down, he casually chucked them onto the seat. At the CRRRRRRUNCH!!! we all burst into hysterics, Jess and I practically rolling around in the back seat. Another rather amusing ride included making up stories sentence by sentence as each person took a turn adding to it. Here's an example:
One day Prince Derrick went out fishing. He caught a 50 inch trout. It ate him. So he was swimming around in the stomach acid for awhile. Then he used his amazing physics skills to turn the chemicals into a bomb and blow himself out. He sat rather happily in the fish guts on the beach. Suddenly a beautiful princess named Analea came by. It was love at first sight... when Prince Derrick saw the cracker in her hand. Analea left Derrick and the cracker to be alone with each other and walked off down the beach.
The rest were equally ridiculous but occupied us for about 20 minutes. 

As the hours dragged on, I would alternate between trying to sleep and watching my surroundings. From my position in the backseat I would stare out at my surroundings, unimpressed for the most part by these flat states. Seriously, from the desolate wasteland of southern Wyoming to the dried cornfields of Indiana, to the dead, brown fields of Nebraska, this part of the country is really rather dull. Kentucky was rather beautiful as well as southern Missouri. The fall colours in the trees were stunning. Other than that though, the flat flat flatness of everything was just so bizarre to me and odd to my senses. How I missed seeing even a distant mountain range! I really don't know how people do it!

It was altogether a very interesting trip both in the car and out. I definitely had a blast chillin' in my seat but... if I ever see the inside of the Buick again...it'll be TOO soon!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

...and now it's over

ya, um, sorry about that. So basically I was WAY too busy on this fantastic trip to have time to blog about the busy happenings. So I shall do my best to give you the highlights without boring you to death or giving my hands cramps from typing.

So, where to begin? Well I guess I already wrote that part...okay so...the rest of the trip..."let me splain...no, there is too much, let me sum up."

Fourteen days
Almost 4000 miles
9 states
4 very different people crammed in one vehicle for hours on end...

And there you have it. Use your imagination :)

Jess and I still cheery early on in the trip

the clan of us who were at the Creation Museum

Riding a camel, no big deal :)

Front of the Creation Museum

Yay for the fantastic four!

Always finding new positions to sleep in the car

Okay, so I have made a decision here. I shall turn this trip into a series of posts written over the next few days, so keep coming back if you want to hear more :)

In this post I would like to share with you one part of our trip that is ironically opposite to the post title: our visit to New Leaf Publishing Group where we met with the editors/publisher of our book! Truly, this project is really just beginning!

We drove out to their quaint location in the middle of the Arkansas countryside. (I didn't even know we were going to Arkansas, I thought New Leaf was in Branson this whole time so that was an interesting surprise.) We were given the grand tour of the offices by Tim Dudley, the publisher, and then had a 2 hour meeting with the editors, marketing people, and graphics people. It was a surreal moment, let me tell you. Put yourself in my shoes if you can:

Nineteen years old, walking into a meeting with a major publishing company, holding in my hands a short manuscript that I've slaved over for 3 months, passionate about what it says but worried to hear the diagnosis on how well I've done. No idea what to expect, smiling, shaking hands, mostly silently listening to Pastor Don present our book, watching people's expressions, trying not to appear like the child I feel like inside, inadequate and foolish for thinking I know what I'm doing. I alternate from nervous, stomach in knots, fiddling insecurity to a calm resting in Jesus, confident that I have been working for Him and He is in control of this book so it doesn't matter what this editor says.

So the moment comes when Laura, the main editor, speaks up. And her words blow us all away: "You have fulfilled your goals and purposes in this manuscript." She goes on to say there are no holes and no glaring errors that she can see right away, just little suggestions she has. She shares excitedly with the whole room how she thinks our book is valuable because it not only brings all different areas of ancient man together as one picture but it has relevancy in today's world. Our book has purpose and it accomplishes what we want it to get across. I am barely comprehending her words as I sit there, looking around the room. We did it? It's good? There aren't any holes? I'm sitting there smiling but I don't really know what I am feeling. Craig, the other editor is smiling his face off and can't say anything bad about it. The marketing people are excited to hear all about what we have to say. Laura wants to hear about our whole experience writing it. Pastor Don is saying that he wants Laura and me to stay in contact, for me to the go-to person between our team and theirs and I'm sitting there trying to remember that I'm only 19 and this is all actually happening. I've just had a meeting with an editor, soon to be OUR editor, who loves our book and hasn't criticized my writing and...I'm ready to jump out of my skin with excitement, bewilderment, awe.

Truly, God has brought me to this place and I am so humbled by how He has used me. I never, in my wildest dreams, thought this would be happening, never mind at this age, without any schooling! This was so not in my plan but God definitely had a different plan and it's only in His power that it was accomplished. That He is using little me and the gifts He gave me to write something, to get this message out to people, is just too much for me to comprehend. I'm doing what I've always dreamed of doing: writing something of value that will be read and will make a difference, Lord willing. I have dreamed of writing for Jesus for so long that I can barely digest the fact that it is actually happening and before I'm even twenty! I am SO blessed by this experience, so honoured to be a tool in His hand, so excited to see what He does with this book, with our team, with the rest of my life.

So, just as an encouragement to you all: Keep dreaming. Keep giving your hopes and dreams to God. Live each day for Him; don't be afraid to follow His leading even if it doesn't seem logical or practical (or financially wise). He will provide for you if you follow His plan for your life. He is in control and can accomplish what He wants to be done. Sometimes I think we have been so ingrained by our culture that we have to do everything a certain way, in a certain order, a sequence of events, a checklist that must be fulfilled before you success can be reached. But God doesn't work that way. He is beyond time and money and the world. Just read His Word, and listen to the testimonies of those around you. He is working.
"For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways," declares the Lord. "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts" - Isaiah 55:8-9
The mind of a man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps - Proverbs 16:9
Many plans are in a man's heart, but the counsel of the Lord will stand - Proverbs 19:21

Saturday, October 15, 2011

The journey begins

It’s already day three into our Grand Road Trip. (For those who don’t know, Josh, Derrick, Jessica, and I are on a two-week trip to Petersburg, Kentucky and then to Branson, Missouri and back.) We started out on this epic adventure on Thursday and successfully made it to Hesston, Kansas (beloved home of our driver, Josh) yesterday evening. Today we will spend our time just hanging out with Josh’s friends and family and resting up before we continue on our way tomorrow after church.

So far, the trip has been rather uneventful. Well, I mean, no one has been kicked out of the car yet, though both the guys have been smacked on the head already.  It has been two days full of teasing (everyone has their turn on both ends of the jokes), music (Josh and Derrick spent two hours the first day being cultured by my iPod. They say they have never heard such a range in genres – what can I say? I like them all!), Oreo truffles (190 should be enough right?), laughter (always needed on a trip such as this), gingersnaps (after Jess heard they were made with “Grandma’s Molasses” she decided they taste like dentures and old people) and sleep (mostly on Jess’s part). The fun all started…1 minute out of the driveway when the guys realized they had forgotten the promo DVDs…we promptly turned around, retrieved them, and set on our way once more.

And then we were driving, and driving, and driving. Southern Wyoming is NOT an exciting place to start a road trip, let me tell ya that. It’s flat and brown and dead.  When we finally got out of it I rejoiced to be leaving the “desolate sagebrush wasteland of death” to which Derrick pointed out (of course), “if there’s sagebrush, there must be life.” I promptly dismissed this logic explaining that “sagebrush is just death with branches.” I mean REALLY people! Can you even call that stuff alive!?!? But then…we entered an even more desolate wasteland, a barren wilderness without even sagebrush and Jess, ever the optimist says, “you know the best thing to do in a wasteland? Go 4-wheeling…also a great place to collect your thoughts!” Derrick quickly responds with a, “well just don’t let ‘em get away on you!” The day was full of these fun conversations that had us all cracking up the whole ride.

The highlight of day one was definitely our excursion to Boulder, CO. Following Derrick’s iPhone we made our way through the bustling city until, as luck would have it, his phone dies. So we sit in a sketchy parking lot while Josh gets the printed instructions (good ol’ Josh, always prepared) and then we turn around in rec center, watching out for the deaf children as the signs warned us, and move on down the road. Finally, we make it to Pearl Street and Jess and I make our way down the adorable lane while the guys find a place to park. We have one destination in mind and even with the dozens of cute shops beckoning our attention, we don’t stop until we smell it and then we are almost running as our eyes behold… LUSH! Jess is in heaven as we step into the place and she sees it all for the first time. There are shampoos and soaps and bath bombs and lotions in every shape, size and colour. It was such a joy to just watch her enjoy the place as we experimented with different products, heard the saleswomen’s spiels and went about deciding what to buy. One hour and almost $200 later, we walk out to the guys’ relieved faces. We get back to the car only to find a parking ticket…yay for pay parking zones you had no idea about!

We make it to Tatiana’s house around 7:30 that evening and after a fabulous meal, dessert and fun times chatting, we head to bed. Friday morning we are on the road again by 9am and so begins the trek to Kansas. Yay for more desolate wastelands! Why people even live in southeastern Colorado or western Kansas is beyond me. I have never seen so much flat land and big blue sky in my life! I mean, I thought the Canadian prairies were bad but these places don’t even have trees! The dusty brown land sucks the very life from you and I was getting desperate. Finally, getting closer to Hesston, things started to get a little greener and trees popped out of nowhere and it was like people realized what life was suddenly! I decided the place does have a certain beauty to it but…I’m a mountain girl, no doubt about it.

So, at Josh’s place last night, we sat through a slightly awkward party for his parents in which we didn’t really know anybody until one of our old classmates and his friends showed up and then things got interesting. After sitting through a bizarre movie on bow hunting, we headed out at 11pm to this donut place called Drubers which is only open at night…all night. And my goodness, it was the place to be last night! The donuts were fresh and warm, the company was great and all in all, it was a fantastic night. Got to bed around 1am and now here I am this morning, writing to all of you. I hope you feel well caught up and knowledgeable about my adventures so far. Stay tuned for more as the days go by!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

That wrap-up-in-a-blanket sound

Rain pattering on the tin roof
echoing in the empty room;
       a lonely sound,
       a cozy sound,
       a wrap-up-in-a-blanket-reading sound.

Coffeetime shared only with fictional characters as
the waving trees outside beckon my attention
through the window, cold, wet.

The constant dripping of the eaves goes
unheard; masked by sweet music – my only companion
on this lonely day. 

Wind picks up and, like the ocean tide,
rain thunders in waves and
the house creaks and sighs heavily.
Grey skies darken the dreary outdoor world
while fuzzy slippers warm my toes and
I dream of dancing orange flames in a crackling fire.

Sometimes I need a day like today when
the torrents force me into hiding and I can rest listening to
       the lonely sound,
       the cozy sound,
       the wrap-up-in-a-blanket sound.

Monday, October 10, 2011

More than Thanksgiving

This is the day which the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.You are my God, and I give thanks to You; You are my God, I extol you. Give thanks to the Lord for He is good; for His lovingkindness is everlasting. - Psalm 118: 24, 28-29
Thanksgiving has come again, well Canadian Thanksgiving that is (if you'd like to know more about our Thanksgiving check out last year's post). Second year in a row that I have been in the United States. It's so odd, having all my friends back home on break, my family camping, everyone celebrating ...except me. Yet, it is still a day for thanksgiving. I mean really, "this is the day which the Lord has made"!!! No matter where I am and what day it is, God has made this day, He has brought the sun up over the horizon, He has given me another breath and I can "rejoice and be glad in it"!

At church we are going through a James McDonald series on attitudes and I found it ironic that yesterday was about contentment, in contrast to covetousness. It applied so perfectly to thanksgiving! He defined contentment as "satisfaction in God's sufficient provision; trust in what one has and seeking nothing more". It was really challenging to look at life that way. To realize that God has given me everything that I need and not only should I be thankful, but content. I think we can sometimes give thanks but yet still have a list of things we are waiting for, aiming for or dissatisfied with. We are grateful for what we have but we aren't content with it. 1 Timothy 6:7 points out that we can take nothing out of this world so why do we place so much emphasis on it!?!? This passage not only teaches us not to love the things of this world, but also points us to eternity. Think about it! The short time we have on earth (as James says,just a vapour (4:14)), is not a time for us to just get as much as possible out of it. We aren't here to store up treasures! Seriously, I tell myself, let enough be ENOUGH. Moreover, do I truly believe that God is enough? that He is my all in all? because then, truly I should be content.

And so I challenge all of you, along with myself, to not just give thanks but to be content. If you find yourself discontent, realize that God can change your attitude. Seek contentment, pray for it. Know that you do have enough in what He has provided - say it "I have enough". And give thanks today for "He is good [and] His lovingkindness is everlasting".

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Pretending it's December

It's that time of year again, when I start posting about the crazy early snow!!! Almost 3 weeks earlier than last year, it started about 10:15 this morning and has been falling steady every since!

Interestingly I was just discussing with a friend yesterday about how it already looks like winter. It feels like we didn't even have an autumn! As I watched the colors change, I was subconsciously denying the exit of summer and it felt like the weather was on my side, for just last week we were enjoying hot days, wearing T-shirts and shorts! But before we knew it, the leaves were not only a different colour, they were all on the ground! The trees are looking more and more bare, winter's bleakness quickly taking over the hillsides.

Last night, I woke up freezing cold and realized that summer was indeed gone. So today, I broke out my winter wardrobe and I'm wearing my first long-sleeve shirt of the season, even put on a scarf! The morning started out with a fantastic downpour of rain which then, almost magically, became fat, fluffy flakes of snow. I ran outside... and then quickly back in as it was raining AND snowing, quite drenching to the skin. I proceeded to prance around the lodge as Cally sat there saying, "it's so unpleasant". I refused to let her pessimism deter me though and continually exclaimed over the snow to her and every other person who walked in.

Finally Aaron came in and we enjoyed a fantastic time running around in the snow and sliding down the ramp. I even sacrificed my curly hair to the awesomeness! I know it's all gonna melt soon and maybe won't be back for awhile so I'm going to enjoy it while I can! So Christmas music, fireplace, scarves, and hot drinks it is!

Loving Jackson Hole!!!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The sweet little things

I've been blessed again with another visit from family! My mom and her parents were able to visit for almost a week and what a week it was! I don't even know how to express how thankful I was to have them out here. We packed our days with fun things to do including a trip to Yellowstone, shopping around Jackson, and a trip to Idaho Falls. I have to say though, my favourite parts were just the simple things, the quiet moments that brought me back home:

coffee time in the morning, long and drawn out, chatting about anything and everything

laughing and teasing each other in the long car rides

walking in the sunshine by the river

snuggling with Mom while watching a movie

hanging at Elevated Grounds for hours, learning how to knit and purl

Mom finally seeing a moose, enjoying a few minutes just watching him

It's those little things that I really appreciated. The hours of just talking, as those who know me, is pretty much my favourite thing to do! This little taste of home was so fantastic, but also has me aching for the rest of my family and home life. Yet at the same time, I am so content to finish up my work here, still praising God for the opportunities I have here. Now, with only a little over 2 months left down here, I don't want to spend my time just waiting to go home. I want to enjoy each day, value each friendship, invest in my JHBC people and embrace the time I have in Wyoming.

I was thinking lately on how God is so sovereign and truly His plans are beyond me. You know, of all my siblings, I was always the "homebody". I was always the one who just loved chillin' at home, planning family outings, morning "talk time"; I was never planning on leaving for long and wanted to live the rest of my life in Abbotsford. Yet out of all of them, I'm the one God sent away for a year and a half! (Granted my younger sis has yet to graduate and may be off to Africa for all I know!) It astounds me again and again how much He has taught me and how I have grown in Him. Where before, I was all but terrified to leave home, my family and my comfort zone, now I have learned that my security is in Him, the one person that will NEVER leave me. So many things have changed in my life, so many more things will change in the coming months. Yet I know that wherever He sends me, I will always have Him and truly, He is enough - more than enough.