The best part of the morning was eating at Bubba's. Heather and I shared a full serving plate of French toast and it was AMAZING! I mean, I have NEVER had restaurant French toast that tasted THAT good! I don't know why restaurants usually have such a hard time make French toast, pancakes or even toast for that matter but coming from a family that specializes in breakfast meals, I'm usually VERY wary to buy breakfast food anywhere. (you see what you've done family!?!?!)
However the French toast, no matter how bad it could be, would definitely beat biscuits and gravy anyday! I seriously do not understand how or WHY people would eat that especially in the morning. It doesn't LOOK appetizing, it doesn't SOUND appetizing. There is no tempting aroma (except that biscuits always smell good), there is nothing there! We've already had this odious meal once for breakfast here and are SURE to have it again. Canon says I'm gonna have to try it but seriously, I think I would throw up. The Portuguese guy tried some and his reaction was in NO WAY comforting and therefore I plan NOT to try it if I can help it - that might not be possible if too many people get on my case. PLUS the cereal isn't a very appealing alternative either...ANYWAYS, back to the French toast - we also only had to pay $3.50 each. So ya, it was awesome.
Other than that, the day has been characterized by reading, trying to sleep, reading, emailing, reading and basically just being pretty bored. (I'm now listening to others downstairs expounding on how bored they are...) We are currently all waiting around to go the Rodeo which will be fabulous and I can't wait. At this moment, I think even watching rocks grow could be called exciting...actually, now that I think about it...that would be pretty cool. I mean, how often do you actually see a rock grow???

...so that sounds kind of unnatural and unpleasant but beyond that...I don't really get it

(and for those of you wondering who Charlotte Whitton is my google search told me she "was one of this century's most colourful and controversial women...best remembered as Ottawa's flamboyant and outspoken mayor during the 1950s and 1960s." Also, she was a feminist. SO, I don't "best remember" her at all...I wonder what she is worst remembered for...)
(unfortunately this rodeo business probably means another late night and early morning for church...ugh)
Your hilarious bananas, you had us all laughing and mom even read it once before, lol
ReplyDeleteP.S Rocks actually dont grow. I looked it up.
Well, unless you count like minerals adding onto them and stuff
ReplyDeleteOHHHH it is so good to be able to read your posts,,,,and yeah u are hilarious and so creative in your detail....THANKS for your posts and yeah we miss u, i think as much as your family but i am sure these posts help a lot. A little jealous of the fun and experience you are getting....eh Shari,,,,why didn't we do this when we were her age????