Back in Jackson for my last 8 weeks of study...moving on from that decidedly depressing topic...With the time difference and that wonderful thing called day-light savings, getting up at 7:30 this morning felt more like getting up at 5:30, as such, I was dreadfully tired all morning and could barely stay awake during church. So after a delicious lunch of spaghetti Alfredo, fried beans and garlic bread, I read my Bible for a bit then decided to take a nap. As many of you would know, I don't nap very well - I can barely sleep in, never mind sleep randomly during the day but as I could barely keep my eyes open I decided it was worth a try, so I lay down and surprisingly am slowly drifting off. You know when you can like feel your brain start to lose it? like you start imagining the weirdest stuff and you feel all floaty-like, ya so I was in that state, enjoying it's delicious nonsensical-ness and SUDDENLY there is an outrageous ROAR like thunder and a large thud. Of course, my sleep-deprived yet half-asleep mind is jolted rather abruptly from its ease and my heart immediately starts pounding as my brain leaps in a million directions at once trying to decipher the source of this rude intrusion on my serenity. Thunder? Earthquake? Gunshot? Explosion? It doesn't take long for the mental image of the 6 inch sheet of ice and snow inching itself part way off the roof of the bunkhouse to come to mind.
Snow build-up and ice slide upon my return after break |
Forest of icicles growing along lengthening ice sheet |
Ice sheet in front of guys' door |
I close my eyes and try to mentally calm my agitated body as I realize it was only ice sliding off the roof and crashing to the ground. (Normally, I would be up and checking it out but at that moment I was too tired and peeved to have my rest interrupted.) As such, when Natalie showed up a few minutes later describing the wreckage below, I had so drag myself up and go check it out. Indeed it was quite the sight and pretty cool to see but only minutes later, I was back in my bed hoping to get some rest. HA
Broken ice wreckage in front of girls dorm |
Ice wall in front of guys dorm (note the post knocked over!) |
I should have known that something like this is just too interesting and entertaining for a bunch of college students to ignore. Soon, there is half a dozen students outside, some clearing away the sheets of ice, some banging on the roof to dislodge more and most just standing around exclaiming, coming in and out and telling everyone else. At this moment, I ache for even the slightest bit of soundproofing in the walls. Yet, somehow I manage to just lay there with my eyes closed and slowly the sounds fade away. I think maybe I slept...half an hour. Basically, I plan on going to bed at 8, maybe that will be more successful...
those are some crazy pics analea! the icicles off of the sheet of ice is so cool! thats some pretty wreckage...i'm glad that dispite all the excitement you were able to rest a bit.
ReplyDeleteWOW! Impressive pictures!
ReplyDeleteYou must of been tired to sleep after that.
Love you my little girl and I pray you have a better sleep tonight :)
Mom're hilarious and I love you a fair bit <3...oh and just if you hadn't noticed you have only been gone 3 days and I have already read and commented on ALL your new blogs...hows that for a record!