The Stanley Cup FINAL! Game 7! Canucks vs Bruins!
Hockey with my buddies = best times |
I don't think I have ever been this excited, anxious or stressed about watching a sport. Seriously, I've never been really into
watching sports, much preferring to play but when it comes to hockey and the Canucks actually doing really well, well, I had to join in the spirit. I mean, maybe being Canadian does have something to do with it because though I've never
really cared much about the sports world, when it comes to hockey, my interest is piqued. I've always cheered for the Canucks but never been a very good fan, I'll admit it (however, after this year I'll probably always be engaged in the whole thing because I've come to really enjoy watching them play).
Megan is Burrows, Gabriella is Kesler and Danae and I are the Sedin twins of course! |
Anyways, all this to say, I've been hosting parties for most of the games the last series of the playoffs and had a blast hanging out with my friends and getting excited. So of course, game 7 we were gathered once again at my place to watch in horror as our team fought a losing battle. It was probably harder for us all because EVERYONE predicted a win for the Canucks and our hopes were so high only to crash down even harder. I mean really, it didn't affect me that much, but for the moment of sadness. It's definitely a good reminder not to make hockey and the Canucks into an idol...because...well, they will ultimately fail you in the end. (No, I'm not being pessimistic about future Canucks attempts at the cup, but just pointing out that it will not bring you happiness even if they do win.)
still keeping our hopes up |
Anyways, so as anticipation mounted throughout the day, I made a fabulous Stanley Cup cake which...didn't really look like the Stanley Cup, more like a little boy's birthday cake...Danae and her friend blew up balloons, Mom and I made spaghetti for everyone and people started showing up. We were all so sure things would turn out just swell, but after the first period...well, we tried to stay positive.
facing the inevitable |
As it turned out, the Canucks lost the Stanley Cup but you know, I don't even mind when I think about it because, my favourite part of the whole series was the chance to hang out with my friends and just get excited about something. Besides, we still got to eat my delicious chocolate cake, so all wasn't truly lost!
"the cake is a lie" |
The saddest part of the whole thing was what happened in Vancouver that night. I think it's ridiculous to blame the hockey game because the people who started those riots came there intent on doing so no matter the outcome. It sickened me to watch the images of my fellow human beings lighting cars on fire, smashing windows and worst of all, beating other people. As I watched the terror unfold on my television amidst smoke and flames and broken glass tears welled in my eyes and slid down my cheeks. It's scary to witness a world without God. How we are to be saved from ourselves, for I am sure, without His grace, the whole world would dissolve into such chaos. It is sad that whenever I think of the Stanley Cup or hockey, those images will come to mind; sad that a few dozen drunken idiots can incite thousands to rage and rampage; sad that even one person would throw a brick in unbridled violence; sad to think of the life they have lived which would lead them to such a state. It was indeed a sad day, not because Canucks lost, not because our hopes were crushed but because we saw humanity in such a state of sinful, violent, evil display.
just chillin after the game, not doing anything illegal...unlike SOME people |
It was a VERY sad day :(
ReplyDeleteI agree with you the funest part about watching hockey is hanging out with friends so why do we need a hockey game to do this? God tells us to be hospitable and to be involved in our Church...this makes me feel convicted to have people over even when there is not a hockey game on :)